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    [-3] CELTA Stuff - Eugene - 10/09/07 17:16
    • Re: CELTA Stuff - Tatiana - 10/09/07 19:54
    • Re: CELTA Stuff - Tom - 12/09/07 20:01
    • Re: CELTA Stuff - Nina - 13/09/07 15:14

Тема: CELTA Stuff
Автор: Eugene E-mail: evgeny.maksimov@mail.ru
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am not a professional English teacher, yet interested in obtaining CELTA. Could you please tell me where (and when) in Moscow I could take the course in question within the rest of the year (that is BEFORE the end of the year)?

10/09/07 17:16    

Тема: Re: CELTA Stuff
Автор: Tatiana
Dear Eugene,
Thank you for your question.
At the moment, you can take a CELTA course only at BKC Teacher Training Centre and I am afraid the last course we plan to run this year (October 15th - November 9th) is already full. The nearest dates available are January 14th- February 9th, 2008.


10/09/07 19:54    

Тема: Re: CELTA Stuff
Автор: Tom E-mail: antonsontw@cox.net
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am interested in a CELTA teacher training course for the middle of next year, and I would like to visit the appropriate location while I am in Moscow. Would you be so kind as to furnish me with an address where I could stop in for a visit. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me at Lyuba_gorbunova@mail.ru
Tom Antonson

12/09/07 20:01    

Тема: Re: CELTA Stuff
Автор: Nina
Dear Tom,

Thank you for your interest in our programmes. You can visit our centre Monday - Friday, 10 am - 7 pm. Our address is: Okhotny Ryad metro station, Tverskaya street, 9A, building 4, office 307. Phone: 234-03-14.

Best regards,

13/09/07 15:14    

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