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Job Placement

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    [-2] Job Placement - Tamara - 28/01/07 12:57
    • Re: Job Placement - Dasha - 05/02/07 15:20
    • Re: Job Placement - Murat Bayrэ - 25/05/07 13:42

Тема: Job Placement
Автор: Tamara
Hello. I'm curious about job placement on finishing your CELTA course. I'm really interested in working in Mongolia, but there are many places I'd enjoy working. Do you help connect recent graduates with employers?
Any information is helpful; I'm just beginning to look into your program.

28/01/07 12:57    

Тема: Re: Job Placement
Автор: Dasha
Dear Tamara,

I am afraid that we don't have any direct contacts for TEFL schools in Mongolia. In any case, I can recommend you to consult IH World web-site http://www.ihworld.com/. I am quite sure that they should have the info you need there. By the way, you are welcome to apply to us (BKC School)for a position in Moscow.

Best Regards,
Darya Belyaeva
Recruitment Manager

05/02/07 15:20    

Тема: Re: Job Placement
Автор: Murat Bayrэ
Dear Tamara,

American Cultural Association Language School Kayseri-Turkey looking for Russian English language teachers to teach both English and Russian. The teaching load per week is up to 30 hours per week.
Students age include,15 to 25 for the adults.
Class size falls within 8 to 15 students per class
Our school offers excellent working conditions and resources.
Teachers are expected to arrive on the 9th of July 2007,.
The salary is 1000 US Dollars per month(no tax)
The contract is initially signed for 1 year. It is then renewable on a yearly basis thereafter.
We will provide accommodation at no cost in a suitable place in the city .
We provide free lunch only.
Visa and work permit will be arranged by the school management.
To apply:
send resume, cover letter, and picture via email attachment to:
The Human Resource office email:
asilsan_@hotmail.com Contact persons name: Murat Bayrэ

25/05/07 13:42    

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