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Re: Celta and other requirements

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    [-] Re: Celta and other requirements - expert - 04/04/11 04:35
    • Re: Celta and other requirements - expert - 04/04/11 04:35

Тема: Re: Celta and other requirements
Автор: expert
Language is not a 'pure' academic subject like mathematics or science. It is an art that is inseparable from the cultural context within which it exists. While a non-native speaker can certainly be as skillful a teacher as a native speaker (or even better), there are certain aspects of the language that are virtually impossible to master if you are a non-native speaker. This is why a native speaker will always have an edge over the non-native speaker when it comes to getting the best jobs.

Just for one example, cultural references can play an important role in language use, especially at advanced levels, and a non-native speaker won't have the depth of personal experience with the culture to match the native speaker's innate understanding of these things. It's just logical, everything else being equal, to prefer the native speaker.

04/04/11 04:35    

Просмотров: 4712


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