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LADO TEFL Certificate

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    [-2] LADO TEFL Certificate - Alexei - 01/04/05 01:07
    • LADO TEFL Certificate - Alexei - 01/04/05 01:07
    • Re: LADO TEFL Certificate - Recruitment Manager - 01/04/05 11:09
    • Re: LADO TEFL Certificate - Alexei - 11/04/05 07:27

Subject: LADO TEFL Certificate
Author: Alexei E-mail: AlexeiSoma@yahoo.com
Dear BKC-IH Staff!

I've posted several questions on this forum before and now have yet another question! I am currently residing in Washington DC, USA, and am extremely determined to acquire a TEFL certificate and teach in Moscow this coming September. I would be thrilled to be able to teach specifically at BKC-IH. I am wondering if you will accept a TEFL Certificate from the LADO Language Center at Washington DC. Here is their web-page and course description: http://www.lado.com/Pages/teflmain.html

They have been recognized by the American Council on Education as a course worth six American college credits. The course consists of 135 hours of teacher training and includes 12 hours of practical teaching experience. They seem to have a thorough and rigorous curriculum. Please tell me if this course would be acceptable or if I would have to take a CELTA or Trinity course. Thank you very much, -Alexei

01/04/05 01:07    

Hits: 6241

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