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CELTA for a middle-aged person

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    [-1] CELTA for a middle-aged person - kimberly - 16/04/08 22:25
    • CELTA for a middle-aged person - kimberly - 16/04/08 22:25
    • Re: CELTA for a middle-aged person - Tatiana - 18/04/08 19:50

Subject: CELTA for a middle-aged person
Author: kimberly
I planned to do CELTA, but I talked to a teacher who did it last year and she said that it was extremely challenging so that she only had three-hour night sleep and by the end of the course she was dead on her feet.
I must admit that I was discouraged by that. I'm 46, and my health is far from perfect. I was very keen on doing this course , but now I've got cold feet. What's the point in forking out on an expensive course, if I'm likely to collapse under pressure?
Could you tell me how physically demanding this course is and is it really necessary to give up your sleep to cope with the assignments?

16/04/08 22:25    

Hits: 22147

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