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age factor, again

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    [-1] age factor, again - george - 15/10/06 17:18
    • age factor, again - george - 15/10/06 17:18
    • Re: age factor, again - Nina - 16/10/06 12:38

Subject: age factor, again
Author: george E-mail: gfisher1@parkland.edu
Protonium asked the age question from the 'youth' angle, so let me ask from the other end of the spectrum: I'm 50. I look significantly younger than most males my age (or so I am repeatedly told...), but can someone who knows tell me whether, even with TEFL certification and all the right documents, etc., will I actually be able to find a teaching position? Not only in Russia, but elsewhere as well? I'm mature enough to be able to face the truth, so thank you for being honest in your reply.


15/10/06 17:18    

Hits: 5440

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