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    [-1] Celta - joanna - 21/06/06 20:36
    • Re: Celta - Nina - 22/06/06 14:38

Subject: Celta
Author: joanna E-mail: wronaa80@poczta.onet.pl
Iam ineterested in Celta courses in Moscow. I have read some information concerning taking the course , however I couldn't find any information about the cost of this course. I would be glad to be acquainted with the whole cost (course and living).
Thank you in advance.
Sincerely Yours,
Joanna Tadla

21/06/06 20:36    

Subject: Re: Celta
Author: Nina
Dear Joanna,
Thank you for your interest in our CELTA courses. The course fee is 880 GBP. The main expenses during your stay in Moscow will include:

accomodation - 400 roubles a day (a room in a two-room flat with a flatmate, either a co-trainee or one of BKC teachers, shared bathroom and kitchen)

visa (including invitation, consular fee and Moscow registration) - the cost depends on the visa details

transfer from the airport - Rub1200

an approximate price-list for the food, clothes etc. you can find at http://www.bkc.ru/eng/moscow/

Hope this information will help. If you have any further questions, you can contact us at t-training@bkc.ru . We will be happy to give you all the necessary information.


22/06/06 14:38    

Hits: 5031

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