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Is there a way I could Find out if I meet this standard?

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    [-] Is there a way I could Find out if I meet this standard? - Y Evgeniyvich K - 28/09/10 12:38
    • Is there a way I could Find out if I meet this standard? - Y Evgeniyvich K - 28/09/10 12:38

Subject: Is there a way I could Find out if I meet this standard?
Author: Y Evgeniyvich K E-mail: yanaroyan@yahoo.com
"Applicants do not need to have English as their first language, but must have a standard of English that will enable them to teach at a range of levels."

English isn't my first language. Is there a test I could take to find out if I meet this standard?

28/09/10 12:38    

Hits: 4782

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