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Re: CELTA Course speaking russian.

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    [-] Re: CELTA Course speaking russian. - Tatiana - 26/02/10 18:59
    • Re: CELTA Course speaking russian. - Tatiana - 26/02/10 18:59

Subject: Re: CELTA Course speaking russian.
Author: Tatiana
Dear Matthew,

On CELTA, trainees are taught how to teach English without using the Russian language at all, so you are not required to be able to speak Russian to take the CELTA course. However, it'll certainly help you in the daily life if you can at least read Cyrillic letters.

As far as I know, BKC offers only long-term Russian language courses that run throughout a year which won't be of much use in your case. Anyway, you could try contacting the school directly about it by e-mail or by phone.

Hope it helps.

26/02/10 18:59    

Hits: 4590

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